Past Lives

I debated all week about whether or not to write on this topic because it can be or come off as a little controversial depending on who you are talking to. After sitting on the idea of writing about my past lives this whole week, I decided to go ahead with it because if I am blogging and the point of the blog is to put me and all of me out there then nothing that I have experienced is off limits. So if this isn;t your thing you can stop reading now but if it is something you are interested in whether it is just curiosity for the topic in general or if it is curiosity about your own past lives then this one may be for you. 

About two years ago this week I was fired from my job ( thank god), which was the catalyst for the beginning of my spiritual journey to self discovery and enlightenment. A year ago this week I took a vacation with my good friend Anne and her younger sister and her sister's husband for their wedding anniversary. I had never been on a cruise before and I was terrified of bigger boats after watching the Titanic in Kindergarten. What better time to do something totally outside of your comfort zone than when you are in the spiritual trenches? This was a 5 day Princess Cruise to the Bahamas and The British owned Turks and Cacos. Our flight number on the way there was Flight #444 and I just knew this trip was going to be a powerful one before I stepped foot on the plane on the way down to Miami. 

I remember doing research about the cruise line and the island because I like to know a little background information about where I am going before I go so that when I am there I have some context to work with. I remember having a visceral hate for King Charles without really knowing anything about him and after going to Grand Turk and seeing the poverty levels there, I disliked him even more. It wasn’t a normal dislike for a political or royal figure, it ran much deeper than that and I found it especially odd that now all of a sudden I felt this way about someone who had never crossed my mind before. 

Upon getting back from the trip, I knew I had more work to do to heal from what had happened to me in this life and I felt like I had a new energy with me to be able to do so. After reacclimating to land after a week at sea, I got back on the horse with my meditations, yoga, therapy and all of the other things I was doing to heal from the abuse I had endured over the previous three years of my life. After about a month and a half after the trip I still was feeling stuck despite doing all of the right things. I knew I needed more than what I was doing and that there was still quite a bit of unresolved emotions and trauma deep under the surface. It was December 13th, 2023 that I finally decided to “let go” and let god and the spirits help me in my quest for self discovery.  I had read in the book “Mother Earth Spirituality” that what I went through was similar to the “Calling of the Spirits” in their culture. 

Four days and four nights later I found out who I was in my previous life and it was too crazy for even me to believe let alone anyone else so I kept it to myself and went on with my life putting what I had uncovered on the backburner but wanting desperately to talk to someone about what I had experienced.. Everyone who has suppressed an emotion or a feeling knows that suppressing that would only make matters worse so I kept a close relationship with God and kept asking if the information I had received was true. Blink once for yes two for no-  and I blinked once for yes every single time I asked over the course of the next 6 months. 

It wasn’t until about two months ago when I started my new job that things became even more clear that even a skeptic would have a hard time being skeptical. Signs came in songs, magazines, books, news articles, clothing, etc… All of this made me believe that what I knew deep in my heart was true but I wasn’t totally convinced yet. It wasn’t until last week I was talking to a patient who had also explored their past lives in a regression. This person also happened to be a therapist so I immediately felt safe. What they told me they experienced in their regression gave me 100000% confirmation of who I was and that god works in the most mysterious ways and that his timing is perfect. 

What do I plan to do now that I have accepted who I was in my last life? Accepting something like this isn’t an easy thing to do and integrating this information into who I am today in this body is even more of a feat but I do believe that I know this information for a reason and that knowing who I was will help me be a better person in this life. I know I was incredibly kind, compassionate, caring, loving, hard working and empathetic in my last life and I believe I have a lot of those attributes in this life which I continue to lean on especially since those attributes are aligned with the frequency of love.  What I hope to have learned from the last life is that money can’t buy love or happiness and material things are second human love. I have also learned that begging for someone's love probably means that the love wasn’t there in the first place.  I also have learned that speaking out about the truth is important for not only the individual, but generations to come even if speaking out gets you exiled or killed. Most of the things I am going through right now, have striking similarities so what I went through then is just in a different location and timeline. I also hope to utilize some of what I was able to use in my last life when it comes to navigating this particular situation I find myself in right now. 

I have told a few people I feel closest with about my story as it pertains to past lives over the last few weeks. I can honestly say that the right people will entertain the idea and to my surprise, most of the people who I have told aside from one or two have believed me and now want to dive into their own past lives . Another thing that I hope to learn from my last life and probably the most important thing is that it doesn’t matter if everyone believes you,  just that the right people do and even more, if no one believes you, then the most important thing you can do is believe in yourself. Your calling is higher.


When things get hard


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